Using “Binary” Fonts For Website Design

A style is an ordered set of formatting characteristics that describe the appearance of an object in a document. Each kind of style is independent of the others, and thus they are all unrelated to one another. However, at core, styles are nothing more than shortcuts for applying different formatting properties to document objects. This article describes these different styles and the properties that can be assigned to them.


The HTML comment is the simplest of all formatting options and is useful for simple expressions. This style uses bold and italic tags for emphasis, and can be undone using the command line option or the manual edit menu. This style is useful for simple expressions, such as names or dates, or for defining page boundaries. This style does not follow the style property of the font and will be unreadable on most computer screens.

The CSS pre-set style has been around since the beginning of the web. When you start designing a web page, you generally select a layout from the built-in styles list, then select a color scheme based on the background color you have selected. However, because computers do not learn to read CSS as we do our other languages, this often results in unwanted styling errors and is hard to edit. In addition, even if you could edit your CSS before saving the page, the resulting page would not be readable on almost any computer system. Also, if you do save the page using the built-in styles list, there is no guarantee that all of the formatting you wanted will be included.

Using the html title property is the preferred way to format a website heading because it gives you complete control over the formatting properties that appear on the webpage. You can create tabs for each different topic in the website and use consistent formatting for all of the headings. Unlike using stylesheets, you can easily see which header is styled and which one is not, so you do not need to guess which header is styled and which one is not.

If the heading or main content on the page is formatted using the html title property, then all of the content on the rest of the page will be styled according to the html tag that is used to describe the body text style of that page. So, if you have a heading with a certain body text style, then all of the content will be styled using the same formatting tag as well. This means that for example, if your heading says “Alert” and then the body text style says ” Alert!” then the “Alert!”

You can also use this same feature when creating links. Simply click ok while the text you want to bold is inserted into the text box and then type a link into the text box next to the bold text. Then, when you click on the link, the formatting that you want will be applied to the rest of the links in the body of the page. This is great for making sure that all of your links are in a consistent formatting so that your site looks uniform all across the site. The only down point to using this feature is that it does take a bit of time to get the linking done, but if you are an experienced designer, then you should be able to get through the process quickly.